Some random days in Brunei

Rawr Rawr!! Got scared ler ^^"

Lol, this few days I love taking photos with Joyce
Hope she won't mind :)

During study.. cannot stand the sleepiness
So Cam whore!

Aisss... Words fill the book pages ==

They are one of the sleeping pill.

Went to Escapade again!
Clifford treat Muahaha~

They ask you to make the tea yourself

One thing special about this is that

A hot water machine is provided on the wall beside you!

Press the hang button and the hot water will come out!
AMAZING!!! (Imma sakai o.o)

Chuka Itako!


Tuna Sushi! :D

California Maki!

Cold toufu!! XD

Inari Crab Meat :D!

Seems like I'm so excited with every dish =.=

But Indeed! I am excited!! ^o^

Perhaps wasabi paste on it? ^^

Say AAAAA nom nom nom

After that went to Coffee Zone:

The light very dull yellow,
A very relaxing place for gathering, chit chatting and surfing.
Some more Pakto-ing?

Vanilla Milkshake, I can't believe I can still
drink this in Brunei, thought it would be the last time
when I leave Sibu.

With Vanilla Ice Cream Scoop!

Got eat of course got study lo. ^^"

Got study got bore..

Got bore got cam whore.

Clifford On the Cook!!
He really got the real skill O.O

Mushroom Soup!

He boiled the Potatoes first...

Ingredients prepared.

The potatoes are mashed into paste, mixed with some secretly
cannot-expose-out seasonings...

Boiled vegetables, very healthy!

This is the BEST of ALL! Salmon Cheese >.<>
Plus a fish liker like me, I can't resist the nice taste of it :D

Yeap, Mushroom soup Nice till.....

Overall, can open 5 stars Res already@.@

Hmmm, Brunei this few days kinda hazy...

Many people got sick because of the haze
From this, we better prevent it before it affects us

Joyce is a good girl, she never let her mom got worried
of whether she got drink water or not, because she will
drink herself, and refill one after another bottle.

Haha, Vicky this few days also drink many water ^.^
One day 3 bottles, 3 litres~

Random picture, Brunei Busy market :D

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