From last Thursday to last Sunday which is 4 days,
Vicky visited Sibu aka my hometown.
On the way to Miri Airport, we almost miss out the airplane that time, sounds like mission impossible haha!
Speeding here, Speeding there, so dangie dangie XD
The egg tart bought from the Miri Airport, haven't eat breakfast yet.
The puff? The food in the airport damn expensive T.T
While waiting for boarding, captured coffee bean's outside view.
The uncle there looking at my camera =.= I'm not taking your photo.
For short journey within Sarawak, the plane is usually mini sized.
Like this.
Don't expect plane like this
That plane is either from Malaysia to US, Italy,
Europe or other western countries XD
Every time I choose a seat on a plane, it got to be on the window side!
As I wanna look at the clouds, and dreaming at them :)
Vicky feels like stepping into the clouds O.O
I'm so excited to meet Sibu kia yay!
MAS Wing Airline also not bad, they provide some snack during the flight.
Muffin :)
Make Vicky happy yay!
Less than 3 times 100
What's the above thingy?
LOVE <3 <3 <3 <3 ^.^
My elder sister fetched me and mummy from the airport.
I like her bob hair :) But still I wanna grow long hair for nao.
To stop being childish looking Vicky!
Many said that having long hair will makes you look more mature.
Please tell me it's true.
The first destination we went from the airport is my school
Methodist Pilley Institution
Had done the Leaving School Process :(
I saw my lecturers and admins, will miss them very much.
And of course, will miss Mdm Judy, the principal of Methodist Pilley for sure :)
2 years plus in this school, of course will have lotsa memories
The fight I had with my best friend, the drug taking I had with my gang, the ponteng school moments, the beating teachers incident... Wao~
*slap Vicky* ok maybe there's not that kind of memories =.=
Good Buai Pilley!
Anyway, wondering where I would go after canceled my Pilley intake?
I've applied to accountancy academic company in Brunei,
and I will continue my ACCA courses there, don't worry about me :)
I know you care about me, I always know...
*slicing the thick skin off my face*
Cannot see this chubby girl in Pilley liao, what to do?
Eh, my face still so thick weh =.=
After that, we reached grandma's house.
I'd really miss my bedroom in Sibu, the bears, the window the lights, the bed, everything T.T
My bed is so fluffy smoothy furry and comfy =D
I asked my mom that whether this bed can be moved to Brunei anot, she said no :(
Sad, even my ultimate skill of 撒娇 also no use.
Mean I act like a spoiled brat in a funny way..
Night time, my elder sister asked us out for a dinner
to celebrate mother's day in advance.
Mom intended to wear pretty outfit as she's the main character of the night :P
So we go to a Chinese Restaurant.
The peanuts crunching kepo moment before dishes are served.
Hai there, I'm Vickey, Imfinethankyouhowboutyou?
The cake of Mother's Day! Yam flavoured, Mmm, I'm lovin it.
Talking about Mother's Day cake,
it reminds me of the birthday cake on my birthday.
Got love shape chocolate, why is it black in color?!
I expect it to be red :(
A red Love.
Admiring the decoration of the cake too,
gosh why am I focusing on the cake so much.
As long as my mother likes it, I can blame no more :)
So there got 3 mothers on the dinner.
First is my 外婆
Then my 婆婆
Actually she smiled brightly before, but once the I said
"Mama, look here"
Her face turned this..
*Chop, hey 嫲嫲,you shouldn't act so cool face la, haha!
Lastly, my mother.
She was so happy that night :)
Three of them very happy, so am I, the future mother!
Ok, so here's some pictures of the food that night :
Curry Fish
Chicken soup
After the meal, I burped.
Next morning, which is kinda challenging for me.
I have to go to "poke" my face.
Poke as in the needle poke into my face, why so?
Because I have white dots, 油疱 on my nose and around the eye.
And it cost RM3 per poke O.O"
Before the poking, I've counted that there are around 5 dots on my face.
And some on the neck.
After Poking....
My mood immediately become very very low, my face is ruined!!!! ARH!!!
5 dots on my face?! This is wrong!
After poking, the therapist said that there are ...
50 dots on my face and neck T.T Well I used the red brush to cover them.
Everywhere I go, I have to put a mask on, some people thought
I am having Chicken Pox.
Some people thought I'm having H1N1,
they're like keeping a few steps away from me what the?
Even worst, some people thought I'm having aids.
I AM NOT SICK! I'm just having a Poker face...
Neeway, the next day is my relative's wedding,
instead of worrying about what to wear.
I am worrying about my face, like
should wear mickey mouse mask or winnie the pooh mask ler?
The ballroom is huge decorated,
exceptional atmosphere of the celebration kinda amazed me.
I was most astounded of the performances that came during the progress.
今天你要嫁给我 dancers, they spent quite a lot $ on costume I think :/
The some sort of Chinese dance with blue fans.
"特务J" including dancers and singer, the singer really sings well :)
Then "Nobody" dancers, performance mama dai but nice outfits.
Gonna post their performance on the youtube soon :X
"Sibu Nobody Performance"
I love this performance, the 2 kids are really cute and farneh XD
Then the 舞娘, not bad too :)
The girl is so light O.O
After the wedding lunch, I promised to meet someone when I got back to Sibu.
That is...
Miss Chai Yiiun, she still the same, no change de.
Miss Angela! I miss the moment we took Vsoy advertisement :)
Miss Celine Kong! Haha,
she never leave her hand away from the face every time I take picture with her. =.=""
Miss Yvonne! Still the same skinny and "Qu Nen Shoi" girl Haha! XD
Miss Sar, she got a bit skinnier this time, but still happy as always :D
I treated Cy KFC and bought cheezy wages for the others.
The only thing I can do for them :/
After that, I went down Delta Mall's supermarket.
I saw an egg.
And a dinosaur is in it. Surprisingly, I spent 5 minutes with this egg,
touching it, open the egg, and waaa, and close it and open it again and waa
for 5 minutes ==
Ok everyone, Vicky is going to talk about something very seriously.
"THE SIBU ELECTION" after the death
Robert Lau Hoi Chew due to liver cancer
Eh seh, sounds so serious.
Those who live in Sibu sure will know about the election between the
"3 circles SUPP" and "Rocket DAP "
So this is the rocket flags along the Rejang Market.
It's really a rocket image O.O
Then the flags.
This election is so called "The Battle of Mighty Rejang"
My dad wanna vote too, but they said that he's from Lanang, cannot vote what the?
All the flags are mostly concentrated in Rejang area.
Rocket or 3 circles?
Poster of Robert Lau Hui Yew
His posters are everywhere along the road.
Actually I've typed lotsa comments, but I was told that it's dangerous to give comment, someday people might break into your house and kill you.
Better don't talk too much here, later get caught O.O"
苦瓜排骨汤, Sibu Bitter Ground Pork soup
This is my Tang Hoon fish ball soup, 冻粉鱼圆汤
上海炸酱面, Sibu Soy Bean Black Sauce noodle
It's Sunday so we went to church...
...for mother's day present, haha! Nola
A drama about the importance to take care of your elders
Very touchy
A family consist of grandma, daddy, mummy and a son.
1) Mummy and daddy don't like grandma
2) They decide to send her to Old Folks House
3) Son tells mummy:
" Mum, tell me when you sent grandma to old folks house,
I wanna know the place so that I can send you there too next time"
4) Mummy got shocked and scared that she decided to treat grandma better.
5) And the 4 of them live happily ever after.
So after the bed time story, we went for lunch
Sibu famous 巅边糊, Dian Bian Hu
If you leave Sibu without eating Dian Bian Hu, means you haven't been to Sibu yet.
nom nom nom~
My sister told me that Sibu got 2 new restaurants.
That is the Boston Yau Yat Seng (又一城 )and Secret Recipe
I heard that the boss is from Kuala Lumpur? o.O
Boston Menu
I like how they decorate the table, got mahjong decks.
Can see cannot play that type.
The environment is based on Cantonese setting
Their drinks are named on Cantonese language "Yau Yat Seng Milk Tea"
My Yau Yat Seng milk tea, the glass jar is very special
It can make the drink taste even better!
Mushroom soup with Garlic Breads
There got only 3 pieces of garlic bread, it's not enough for me la T.T
Mushroom soup very nais, I dunno how to describe, all I can say is nais nais nais.
Creamy and Tasty, you go try it out yourself la ^^
The garlic bread ho...
Dip it into the creamy mushroom soup ha...
And then eat it by putting it in your mouth and nommie nommie lo.
Next will be the 4 seasons toast.
1st season, the chicken floss
2nd season, sugar and butter and everything nais!
(powerpuff girl song theme)
3rd season, the green Kaya paste
Last season, peanut crunchy nuts butter
yay, I've ate all the 4 seasons :D
Haha, thinking why the scars so fast recovered?
Because Vicky photo-shopped herself, geng ler.
Yau Yat Seng Cha Cham Tim.
Next will be Secret Recipe,although there got variety of food, for me,
I concentrate more on the cakes.
Sad thing, the cakes left not much option already,
unlike Brunei, they got more options to choose from.
Anyway, love the wall portraits :)
Secret Recipe's theme color is dark orange,
which gives people the fresh and happy feeling.
This is the 3rd week Sibu Secret Recipe open until now,
lotsa customers are interested in tasting their specialist, the cakes.
Many people buy Mother's Day cake from here.
From the very few options of cake, I ordered ...
Baked Cheese and Carrot Cheese.
Cheesie cheesie makes vicky fattie fattie but happy happy
Brownie Cheese for Aunty Agnes for Mother's day pressie.
After visiting the 2 new restaurants, there will be no more regret left in leaving Sibu.
I can leave Sibu happily ever after nao.
Will still miss you all people :) Although I am very forgetful
Bye Hush Puppies, bye Pilley, bye grandma and cousins
Love ya'll
I can't believe my eye the moment I saw 1 unforgettable scene, very touchy scene...
Vicky's Circle's fans, they're all sending me to the airport
and waited outside the land until I depart. I cried and took out a handkerchief trying to wipe off my tears, but the wind blew it off to the air, Vicky's Circle fans all berebut-rebut wanna catch my handkerchief. Aiyo...
On the plane, I took out my Secret Recipe Cake and saw this
Great, that's the left over from my mom =.=
Haha, no choice what, we girls crazily love Cake to the max!
Every time when I feel moody, I have to taste something sweet,
and then my "n" will restore back to "u" mouth :D
Happy like an angel in the cloud...
Every time I see the clouds, I had really want to break off the window and say
"Weeeeeee" *jumping onto the bouncy fluffy clouds*
Malaysia airline always provides a light refreshment for the customers,
so nais :)
The Apple Juice under the beaming sunlight above the clear blue sky.
The empty cup after a few seconds, burp.
Beautiful view from the sky.
Look I can hold the sun with 2 finger tips :D
"Ouch, it's hot, ouch ouch~~ Woooo Ouch!"
Let us facepalm to Vicky's stupidity yay!
The endless width of the sea, amazing creation of God.
Well, I can see that everything that happened to me.
Like coming to Sibu, leaving Sibu, back to Brunei within these 3 years.
Everything is under the will and arrangement of God.
No matter how, as long as it pleases Him :)
Bye Sibu kia, Hi Brunei gang XD
The egg tart bought from the Miri Airport, haven't eat breakfast yet.
The puff? The food in the airport damn expensive T.T
While waiting for boarding, captured coffee bean's outside view.
The uncle there looking at my camera =.= I'm not taking your photo.
For short journey within Sarawak, the plane is usually mini sized.
Like this.
Don't expect plane like this
That plane is either from Malaysia to US, Italy,
Europe or other western countries XD
Every time I choose a seat on a plane, it got to be on the window side!
As I wanna look at the clouds, and dreaming at them :)
Vicky feels like stepping into the clouds O.O
I'm so excited to meet Sibu kia yay!
MAS Wing Airline also not bad, they provide some snack during the flight.
Muffin :)
Make Vicky happy yay!
Less than 3 times 100
What's the above thingy?
LOVE <3 <3 <3 <3 ^.^
My elder sister fetched me and mummy from the airport.
I like her bob hair :) But still I wanna grow long hair for nao.
To stop being childish looking Vicky!
Many said that having long hair will makes you look more mature.
Please tell me it's true.
The first destination we went from the airport is my school
Methodist Pilley Institution
Had done the Leaving School Process :(
I saw my lecturers and admins, will miss them very much.
And of course, will miss Mdm Judy, the principal of Methodist Pilley for sure :)
2 years plus in this school, of course will have lotsa memories
The fight I had with my best friend, the drug taking I had with my gang, the ponteng school moments, the beating teachers incident... Wao~
*slap Vicky* ok maybe there's not that kind of memories =.=
Good Buai Pilley!
Anyway, wondering where I would go after canceled my Pilley intake?
I've applied to accountancy academic company in Brunei,
and I will continue my ACCA courses there, don't worry about me :)
I know you care about me, I always know...
*slicing the thick skin off my face*
Cannot see this chubby girl in Pilley liao, what to do?
Eh, my face still so thick weh =.=
After that, we reached grandma's house.
I'd really miss my bedroom in Sibu, the bears, the window the lights, the bed, everything T.T
My bed is so fluffy smoothy furry and comfy =D
I asked my mom that whether this bed can be moved to Brunei anot, she said no :(
Sad, even my ultimate skill of 撒娇 also no use.
Night time, my elder sister asked us out for a dinner
to celebrate mother's day in advance.
Mom intended to wear pretty outfit as she's the main character of the night :P
So we go to a Chinese Restaurant.
The peanuts crunching kepo moment before dishes are served.
Hai there, I'm Vickey, Imfinethankyouhowboutyou?
The cake of Mother's Day! Yam flavoured, Mmm, I'm lovin it.
Talking about Mother's Day cake,
it reminds me of the birthday cake on my birthday.
Got love shape chocolate, why is it black in color?!
I expect it to be red :(
A red Love.
Admiring the decoration of the cake too,
gosh why am I focusing on the cake so much.
As long as my mother likes it, I can blame no more :)
So there got 3 mothers on the dinner.
First is my 外婆
Then my 婆婆
Actually she smiled brightly before, but once the I said
"Mama, look here"
Her face turned this..
*Chop, hey 嫲嫲,you shouldn't act so cool face la, haha!
Lastly, my mother.
She was so happy that night :)
Three of them very happy, so am I, the future mother!
Ok, so here's some pictures of the food that night :
Curry Fish
Chicken soup
After the meal, I burped.
Next morning, which is kinda challenging for me.
I have to go to "poke" my face.
Poke as in the needle poke into my face, why so?
Because I have white dots, 油疱 on my nose and around the eye.
And it cost RM3 per poke O.O"
Before the poking, I've counted that there are around 5 dots on my face.
And some on the neck.
After Poking....
My mood immediately become very very low, my face is ruined!!!! ARH!!!
5 dots on my face?! This is wrong!
After poking, the therapist said that there are ...
50 dots on my face and neck T.T Well I used the red brush to cover them.
Everywhere I go, I have to put a mask on, some people thought
I am having Chicken Pox.
Some people thought I'm having H1N1,
they're like keeping a few steps away from me what the?
Even worst, some people thought I'm having aids.
I AM NOT SICK! I'm just having a Poker face...
Neeway, the next day is my relative's wedding,
instead of worrying about what to wear.
I am worrying about my face, like
should wear mickey mouse mask or winnie the pooh mask ler?
The ballroom is huge decorated,
exceptional atmosphere of the celebration kinda amazed me.
I was most astounded of the performances that came during the progress.
今天你要嫁给我 dancers, they spent quite a lot $ on costume I think :/
The some sort of Chinese dance with blue fans.
"特务J" including dancers and singer, the singer really sings well :)
Then "Nobody" dancers, performance mama dai but nice outfits.
Gonna post their performance on the youtube soon :X
"Sibu Nobody Performance"
I love this performance, the 2 kids are really cute and farneh XD
Then the 舞娘, not bad too :)
The girl is so light O.O
After the wedding lunch, I promised to meet someone when I got back to Sibu.
That is...
Miss Chai Yiiun, she still the same, no change de.
Miss Angela! I miss the moment we took Vsoy advertisement :)
Miss Celine Kong! Haha,
she never leave her hand away from the face every time I take picture with her. =.=""
Miss Yvonne! Still the same skinny and "Qu Nen Shoi" girl Haha! XD
Miss Sar, she got a bit skinnier this time, but still happy as always :D
I treated Cy KFC and bought cheezy wages for the others.
The only thing I can do for them :/
After that, I went down Delta Mall's supermarket.
I saw an egg.
And a dinosaur is in it. Surprisingly, I spent 5 minutes with this egg,
touching it, open the egg, and waaa, and close it and open it again and waa
for 5 minutes ==
Ok everyone, Vicky is going to talk about something very seriously.
"THE SIBU ELECTION" after the death
Robert Lau Hoi Chew due to liver cancer
Eh seh, sounds so serious.
Those who live in Sibu sure will know about the election between the
"3 circles SUPP" and "Rocket DAP "
So this is the rocket flags along the Rejang Market.
It's really a rocket image O.O
Then the flags.
This election is so called "The Battle of Mighty Rejang"
My dad wanna vote too, but they said that he's from Lanang, cannot vote what the?
All the flags are mostly concentrated in Rejang area.
Rocket or 3 circles?
Poster of Robert Lau Hui Yew
His posters are everywhere along the road.
Actually I've typed lotsa comments, but I was told that it's dangerous to give comment, someday people might break into your house and kill you.
Better don't talk too much here, later get caught O.O"
苦瓜排骨汤, Sibu Bitter Ground Pork soup
This is my Tang Hoon fish ball soup, 冻粉鱼圆汤
上海炸酱面, Sibu Soy Bean Black Sauce noodle
It's Sunday so we went to church...
...for mother's day present, haha! Nola
A drama about the importance to take care of your elders
Very touchy
A family consist of grandma, daddy, mummy and a son.
1) Mummy and daddy don't like grandma
2) They decide to send her to Old Folks House
3) Son tells mummy:
" Mum, tell me when you sent grandma to old folks house,
I wanna know the place so that I can send you there too next time"
4) Mummy got shocked and scared that she decided to treat grandma better.
5) And the 4 of them live happily ever after.
So after the bed time story, we went for lunch
Sibu famous 巅边糊, Dian Bian Hu
If you leave Sibu without eating Dian Bian Hu, means you haven't been to Sibu yet.
nom nom nom~
My sister told me that Sibu got 2 new restaurants.
That is the Boston Yau Yat Seng (又一城 )and Secret Recipe
I heard that the boss is from Kuala Lumpur? o.O
Boston Menu
I like how they decorate the table, got mahjong decks.
Can see cannot play that type.
The environment is based on Cantonese setting
Their drinks are named on Cantonese language "Yau Yat Seng Milk Tea"
My Yau Yat Seng milk tea, the glass jar is very special
It can make the drink taste even better!
Mushroom soup with Garlic Breads
There got only 3 pieces of garlic bread, it's not enough for me la T.T
Mushroom soup very nais, I dunno how to describe, all I can say is nais nais nais.
Creamy and Tasty, you go try it out yourself la ^^
The garlic bread ho...
Dip it into the creamy mushroom soup ha...
And then eat it by putting it in your mouth and nommie nommie lo.
Next will be the 4 seasons toast.
1st season, the chicken floss
2nd season, sugar and butter and everything nais!
(powerpuff girl song theme)
3rd season, the green Kaya paste
Last season, peanut crunchy nuts butter
yay, I've ate all the 4 seasons :D
Haha, thinking why the scars so fast recovered?
Because Vicky photo-shopped herself, geng ler.
Yau Yat Seng Cha Cham Tim.
Next will be Secret Recipe,although there got variety of food, for me,
I concentrate more on the cakes.
Sad thing, the cakes left not much option already,
unlike Brunei, they got more options to choose from.
Anyway, love the wall portraits :)
Secret Recipe's theme color is dark orange,
which gives people the fresh and happy feeling.
This is the 3rd week Sibu Secret Recipe open until now,
lotsa customers are interested in tasting their specialist, the cakes.
Many people buy Mother's Day cake from here.
From the very few options of cake, I ordered ...
Baked Cheese and Carrot Cheese.
Cheesie cheesie makes vicky fattie fattie but happy happy
Brownie Cheese for Aunty Agnes for Mother's day pressie.
After visiting the 2 new restaurants, there will be no more regret left in leaving Sibu.
I can leave Sibu happily ever after nao.
Will still miss you all people :) Although I am very forgetful
Bye Hush Puppies, bye Pilley, bye grandma and cousins
Love ya'll
I can't believe my eye the moment I saw 1 unforgettable scene, very touchy scene...
Vicky's Circle's fans, they're all sending me to the airport
and waited outside the land until I depart. I cried and took out a handkerchief trying to wipe off my tears, but the wind blew it off to the air, Vicky's Circle fans all berebut-rebut wanna catch my handkerchief. Aiyo...
On the plane, I took out my Secret Recipe Cake and saw this
Great, that's the left over from my mom =.=
Haha, no choice what, we girls crazily love Cake to the max!
Every time when I feel moody, I have to taste something sweet,
and then my "n" will restore back to "u" mouth :D
Happy like an angel in the cloud...
Every time I see the clouds, I had really want to break off the window and say
"Weeeeeee" *jumping onto the bouncy fluffy clouds*
Malaysia airline always provides a light refreshment for the customers,
so nais :)
The Apple Juice under the beaming sunlight above the clear blue sky.
The empty cup after a few seconds, burp.
Beautiful view from the sky.
Look I can hold the sun with 2 finger tips :D
"Ouch, it's hot, ouch ouch~~ Woooo Ouch!"
Let us facepalm to Vicky's stupidity yay!
The endless width of the sea, amazing creation of God.
Well, I can see that everything that happened to me.
Like coming to Sibu, leaving Sibu, back to Brunei within these 3 years.
Everything is under the will and arrangement of God.
No matter how, as long as it pleases Him :)
Bye Sibu kia, Hi Brunei gang XD