One day when I was writing notes from my study textbook,
I realized something on my hand. How long have I ignored my hand until today, my hand has been helping me do all the hard works. Yet I didn't take a good care on it, so I thought out a very good reward for it.
Tattoo my hand invisibly temporarily.
I'm serious tho.
First is the palm tattoo.
Well, you don't have to pay for it as you can find the tools needed in your house!
From the book :) with filed rings sided
Press ur palm against it for 20 minutes and it's done!
Easy huh? :D
Well this is not finished yet, my hand request for another tattoo.
So demanding eh this hand haha.
So demanding eh this hand haha.
...find a table mat with holes like above picture and press your arm against it.
This one you have to pay with your time lo, 1 hour.
One more extra tattoo to show ya'll.
The invisible bracelet tattoo.
Well, I believe most of the woman got wear bracelet right? Sometimes especially when you woke up from sleep, you will notice that the bracelet is stuck on your arm tightly, and when you pull it down, you will find a mark on your arm, that is what we call the invisible temporarily tattoo.
Yeap, and this is my magnet bracelet, which is healthy to wear with, I heard it got some sort of ultimate power to absorb ions in your blood and cause the blood circulation improving :D Isn't that cool eh?!
Even Joyce, Kokocrunch polar bear and spongebob are envious of my hand which is tattoo-ed beautifully. Hey spongebob, you also got holes tattoo already what.
Talking about Joyce, she's having exam this few days, all the best to you Joyce, if you get good grades on the exam, I will bring you to Korea! the future.
Hey I'm serious ok, just that now I don't earn money myself, so can't afford to pay ticket to Korea for her and for me. XD
One day, Vicky's gonna have to make a stand, one day, Vicky gonna say enough!
Haha! Sounds so hero-ish eh! ^^"
My hand can do many things one, beside from doing all the works that we people normally do daily, like washing, writing, wiping, waving, weeing and many more, Vicky's fingers can do other things too!
First : DO MAGIC
Yea, and it's really a 90° in angle and no, there's nothing wrong with my bone =.=
Look it's the 2 headed monster from sesame's street!
It mocks well!
Aren't they look exactly the same?! ^.^
Breaking the world's record, this thumb is the only thumb that has a black dot inside the skin! Which means it's the best recognized thumbprint ever!
Please support The Hand Discovery Channel and Stay Tune!
Ok, I know this post is lame.