NA NANA NA NA~ I just back from the MOVIE "Kung Fu Panda"~ Can't wait to Share with you guys ^^!! THE PAnda is really absolutely FunnY~ Haha, which Makes me think of KENNY SIA~ =.=" I laughed until I hit the front seat guy's shoulder you know?? SO EMBRASSING~! But luckily he also LAUGHING, doesn't really realized it^^
GUSH~ I hope I can buy CD of it and watch it again~ SO LIKE IT! STUPID LOOKING BUT FUNNY ACT PANDA^^ I like his pant... HOPE I can have one of is also^^
Well, after having a Short term FUN, THE LONG TERM stress CONTInues... got to go study for now~ Tomorrow have to wake up same time 6.45am T.T... You Can Do it DE Vicky~
OHYA~ Forget to tell you guys my next targeted MOVie::: The Incredible HULK and MADASGASCAR Part 2!!