Had been eating quite a lot these few days
My friend told me that I've become thinner,
it's more like...
People who can't talk said :
"I can't talk"
Eating supper with Esther lately T.T
She belong to one who hardly fat with all the food she ate
But as for me Vicky Law
I eat what I become what
For example, I eat Fish toufu
I become toufu, fat fat soft soft
Well, that's more like chubby me I can say? :/
Arh, the second day of my school
The subject is getting more solid than previous papers
Memorization T.T The biggest hardship I ever encountered :<
Met Irene dear dear but no longer same seat with her :(
Sad Sad Sad and Sad
Hey look it's the funny humorous teacher
He came and visited us
Still as funny as always :D
For this semester I'll be attending my
class for only twice a week, kinda free
But in order to FULLY pack up my time
I've chosen to continue my work! Vicky loves BUSY!
And of course, time to stay with him too :)
Sighed, my eye bag look like sand bag already
So heavy some more dark circle O.O
Can be a "Black sand bag" anytime now...
Night Time...
My boy brought me to Enjoy Cafe
A cafe to enjoy with!
Enjoy with the cafe!
A place to enjoy cafe!
Cafe that is enjoyable!
So it's given a name as
Nice analysis u got there Vicky!
Geez Thanks.
Haha, he was about to order some WEIRD thing again
Luckily which is on time, I stopped him and
introduced him a nice and not-weird drink
Which is of below picture
The white lady!! Haha!
Aiya, every boys sure will order one
It's a vanilla shake with red sago
One word, GENG!
The Special ABC I ordered that night
In love with this for now :P
My one 2 words
Aiss, don't what happen to my hormone
My cam-whore addiction which I quit successfully had came back again :(
At home cam-whoring T.T
Cannot stop one this disease I tell you
When it comes, it takes over you.
The Whole Of You!
My coming Chinese New Year cloth
Didn't take note the broken thread until
I tried once more at home
Oh well, no big deal right?
All I have to do is cucuk some thread and sew up the broken line :)
Plus... That's the shirt he chose for me >.<
Arh, just ignore my cam-whoreness
This picture look very mature la :D
And so and of course, I post it up :)
To show everyone that...
I can be mature look too
The next day after that...
My cam-whore disease haven't gone yet
Me and Esther!
Whou whou, stop right here!
This is one pretty girl here, my new colleague! :D
Envying her sharp face ^^
Chai Yiiun can be cute too! LOL =D
She'd made
"Waist belt can be your eye"
Me and the other 2 colleagues! :)
This is Chai Yiiun's lunch
RM 4 each... LOL, no la.
She loves to drink sour soury drink ><
Night time...
Supper again! With my sisters
If I can't be fat, that's when I become a boy.
How impossible huh?
I drink Fruit Ice, I will become fruit ice
I eat fish toufu, I'll become fish toufu too..
I eat Fried sotong salad, I become Sotong too..
Sighed, told you all already,
I've been carving on supper these few days
The next day....
Outing with HP gang!
Drove them to Parkson, hunting for Chinese New Year clothes
See them killing jeans?
Hie Ing Hunting for belts!
Then Esther suddenly said :"Imma Hungree"
So we stopped by the nearby cafe...
Manna Cafe, a korean restaurant. Yay!
Why I never know that there's a korean cafe in Sibu? ^^
So happy till.....
View from above parkson
Meet the hungry little monster
2 big tummy monsters
And the About-to-eat-someone monster
(White clothe one)
See her holding Esther's hand?
Next thing happen after this photo shoot...
Can't imagine...
Another picture of the 2 tummy monsters
A very delightful and facisnating lamp...
(Whou, what a descriptions)
Lol, cute Esther :D
Ops, her hand still there u might wanna ask?
What you have to do is imagine...
"no hand no hand no hand no hand"
Come Korean Cafe of course order Korean food and drink ^^
The Pujabe tea, I wonder if i remember the name correctly :/
Korean-ky took a sip then said :
Isn't that japanese? o.O
Thumb up from Korean-ky
The Oreo Cheese cake!
Nice Nice Nice and one more word...
Even Chai Yiiun thumb up too ler...
Don't know when is this happen but...
My clothes got stained T.T Really spoilt my white cloth la :(
See that black spot under HP logo?
Look like puppy's poop T.T
Whou the other 3 monsters that day really know how to order la
They came korean Restaurant order other country's food
Very interesting...
Esther ordered Indonesia's
She's about to feed me her dish's keropok
Hie Ing ordered Sarawak's
Sarawak Laksa
Chai Yiiun ordered
Asian ommelette rice
Very Very look-delicious la
I mean the egg not rice
As for Koren-ky?
Of course I ordered korean food ^^
KIMCHI Noodles
(same as the word "Haiya" in M'sia)
But my order was kinda late,
so I window shopped on the nearby Christianity book shop
I saw "equipment" to avoid Vampire O.O
And guess what?
I learnt that the waitress had forgotten
to drop down my order on her list
Sad Sad Korean-ky
See my table still so clean and clear...
While the 2 big tummy monsters about to finish their meal le
After a whileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Haha, I put the "while" long enough to mean that
it's a long while...
Jeng Jeng Jeng! My KimChi Noodle Chan had arrived before me :D
Oh my Oh my, Korean-ky so excited that time >.<
Kimchi Noodles' KIMCHI
Tha's the main part I'm talking about
Korean Kimchi :)
Wa, I'm looking so super fatty excited! Woots
Q. Q. Noodles plus hot and sour soup adding kimchi
3 words:
Esther cam-whoring with my Lumix Camera
Ok, you might wanna ask "why are we running?"
Because... We're late for work!
A bit traffic jam on journey, gosh~
No hope la, we really spend even only
5 seconds free time to take photos too Haha!
Arrived shop also do the same thing =.=
Really non-stop O.O
See guys, of how terrifying cam-whore disease are?
By the way, intro you my new bought cloth!
RM18 for this.
For the sake of Puppy's poop on my shirt >:(
Night time
Embarassing but I still have to mention here that...
I ate supper again that night
Arh!!!!!!!! Chicken!
(Auto man's style)
Esther, please stop eating...
You're making me fat :(
Her beloved Clams
Vicky lovely Fruit Ice :D
And Fish Toufu ^^
By that time, I totally forgot about dieting :P
Mango Ice shave of hers
Fish fillets! Woots
Super Supper makes me look cuter!
Don't get this wrong people,
Cute = Fat
Guess what? My mom delivered me a box (dozen)
of PURA MILK!!!!!!!
Only available in Brunei not Sibu
How sweet of her :)
I still remember when I was in Brunei last time
I'm totally addicted to Pura Milk.
Home Milk
School Milk
Bath Milk
Eat Milk
Drink Milk
See Milk
Smell Milk
Hear Milk
Feel Milk
Everything Milk...
But I'm still looking black, haha
Sunday early in the morning!
Took a picture before departing to church
Ok, maybe my shadow need some "pangkat" too
Love staying in church
It gives me a feel of calm and silent
Where I can relax my mind and listen to the Word of God :)
I still can't leave my camera off my hand
Last picture took before church serving :D
After the worship
I'm fully charged!
Afternoon time,
Went to play badminton with church friends
Sighed, really long time didn't join them until this day
Feel sorry for myself for neglecting my Top Hobby
this few months :(
After badminton, bath, work =.=
Am really a busy kid right?
Can call me Busy-ky already
Night time
Know what I'm going to say again right? :D
Meet the ...
Evil Esther...
She convinced me to eat again T.T
LOL, who ask me that I'm actually an easily influenced girl...
Her food
My food
Her food “咸酥鸡”
And My food “鱼豆腐”
See her eat every night with the unchangeable body weight
and compare with the tremendously body weight rising me
Failed Vicky T.T
But I'm still loving you No.5 Fruit Ice :)
Having muscle strain now T.T
Can hardly lift up my arm and type this post
It's late! Got to get on bed now,
if not my "Black sand Bag" incident can sooner be real!
-Goodie Night- & -missing kew-