Aloha!! Told you guys I'm gonna blog after my exam. Am I sincere enough, EMAI? Despite from the fact that I didn't take many pictures this few months and the fact that I like to blog with pictures and the fact that I can't blog without pictures and the fact that these facts are true, I have little to blog about on this post, not many, just around 65 pictures X)
I attend a charity event on behalf of my company, there's a lot of cheap selling everywhere and of course I bought myself something :D A long purple dress which I haven't wear yet coz no idea when and what occasion will be appropriate. It's very pretty one ok, it's gonna be weird if I wear this and walk around the mall, hohohoh ^o^
Princess was there! She has a beautiful smile :) SOoOoO many cameras in front of her yet she face toward my small dull black unattractive camera, aren't I lucky enough? :')
A treat of ice cream from my lovely colleague :D Gosh, you will never know how I feel that time man, it's like a hot burning charcoal jumping into north pole ocean. Hontoni Sugoii!
So Sugoii until....
I got sunburnt T.T My 19,289,472 years of whitening progress now back to zero liao.
2) Meet up with Daphne, a new friend introduced by my brother
if you know what I mean ;)
She's very lovely, easy to chat with and funny too :D
Scallop is nice, but raw one is nicer! I think.
Mummy and Daphne :) They look just like sisters!
Dinner at Corea Restaurant.
3) I am now the secret member of Secret Recipe, The Mall!
Ok I know it's no longer a secret and it's not a big news neither lol!
Clifford's hanging out with me :)
I'm hanging out with Clifford too :)
I've always love to eat cheese cake, but beware my friend BEWARE, for overdose of consuming it might got you look like a cheese too, a fat cheese.
Spongebob art Coffee, only available for Secret member like me! :D
4) I have met a new friend at my workplace!
His name is Oppi (I name one). I still remember the first time we met, he keeps on showing off him biting his tail and turn round and round in front of me haha! One thing I find it interesting, he likes to stick his butt against my leg and then sit down on my toes, yes his butt on my toes, and yes! of course I avoid it la XD
He's the new security of our workplace! He helps to make sure there's no illegal parking outside our office. Hmmm, I think I should change the signboard to....
Sugoii kan? :D
5) Celebrate my beloved mom's birthday!
Almost every year I made a birthday card for my mother, she keeps them in a folder. Got time I'll show y'all ok, I'm now 21 years old, so there's 21 cards for her from me.
Oh wait. That's creepy.
I don't even know what's a birthday when I was 0 year old, should be less than 21 cards.
Mummy loves my card! :D
Daddy pulling his neck skin coz he has no beard :"Hmmm, I don't know how to read english."
My brother :" Hmmm, Hmmm Hmmm" Ok I dunno what he's thinking.
Oh Crap, the picture above caption wrong already, not on the way to Shabu Shabu, it's on the way to Nur Wanita Restaurant! :D
I love enjoying the artistic craftwork of this masterpiece on the wall, so goldish :D
Nur Wanita's dishes are quite cheap, their serving portion is not too big not too small. Most importantly, they taste sugoii!
Nur Wanita's Chef singing happy birthday to my mom :D He's the chef I think, judging from the long white cap, I think he is.
Oh wait. It's a short white cap, I think it's chef's assistant then.
I hope you're having a good time mummy! :D
6) Hangout at TeaBox Cafe, The Mall.
It's their COLOURFUL menu board that attracts me :)
Me and Clifford at TeaBox Cafe, I love my white headband :D
I love drinking Milk Tea, but beware my friend BEWARE, for overdose of consuming milk tea will make you look like a ... a .... I dunno, but it's not good to drink always, especially girl, female and woman.
Random me :D I love to take picture of my side view, and only the RIGHT side of view haha!
Received a lovely gift from my second elder sister from Sibu. I love the teddy on the chair, it's a necklace actually. I love wearing a teddy sitting on a chair on my neck :D
7) Had a sugoii meal at Empire Restaurant
Orange juice, which I thought it would be a fresh blended one :/
Haha! Love the toast jam! Red Cheese paste, Yellow Butter, Green Kaya X)
A traffic 'Jam'!
Appetizer, I still have no idea what it is :/
Description: It's a little bit cold, fluffy, a little bit smell of Chicken, some tuna...
I'm not pro enough to judge this hoho.
My order :D Most of the time for meat I eat fish, but this time I eat boboke. Not bad, dumplings are nice too, orange colour filling, taste a bit like pumpkin X)
Who say high class restaurant cannot has pizza?!
This dish looks a lot 'full' than mine one, because of the flat noodle beside, the eater can't finish it.
Salmon with lots of Onions! Overdose Onions! Hesitate not, the bunch of orange thingy beside the salmon are all onion cubes lolz.
Nothing is perfect, beside from the good food, good drinks and good moment, Vicky do have not good thing like others too.
I attend a charity event on behalf of my company, there's a lot of cheap selling everywhere and of course I bought myself something :D A long purple dress which I haven't wear yet coz no idea when and what occasion will be appropriate. It's very pretty one ok, it's gonna be weird if I wear this and walk around the mall, hohohoh ^o^
Princess was there! She has a beautiful smile :) SOoOoO many cameras in front of her yet she face toward my small dull black unattractive camera, aren't I lucky enough? :')
A treat of ice cream from my lovely colleague :D Gosh, you will never know how I feel that time man, it's like a hot burning charcoal jumping into north pole ocean. Hontoni Sugoii!
So Sugoii until....
I got sunburnt T.T My 19,289,472 years of whitening progress now back to zero liao.
2) Meet up with Daphne, a new friend introduced by my brother
if you know what I mean ;)
She's very lovely, easy to chat with and funny too :D
Scallop is nice, but raw one is nicer! I think.
Mummy and Daphne :) They look just like sisters!
Dinner at Corea Restaurant.
3) I am now the secret member of Secret Recipe, The Mall!
Ok I know it's no longer a secret and it's not a big news neither lol!
Clifford's hanging out with me :)
I'm hanging out with Clifford too :)
I've always love to eat cheese cake, but beware my friend BEWARE, for overdose of consuming it might got you look like a cheese too, a fat cheese.
Spongebob art Coffee, only available for Secret member like me! :D
4) I have met a new friend at my workplace!
His name is Oppi (I name one). I still remember the first time we met, he keeps on showing off him biting his tail and turn round and round in front of me haha! One thing I find it interesting, he likes to stick his butt against my leg and then sit down on my toes, yes his butt on my toes, and yes! of course I avoid it la XD
He's the new security of our workplace! He helps to make sure there's no illegal parking outside our office. Hmmm, I think I should change the signboard to....
Sugoii kan? :D
5) Celebrate my beloved mom's birthday!
Almost every year I made a birthday card for my mother, she keeps them in a folder. Got time I'll show y'all ok, I'm now 21 years old, so there's 21 cards for her from me.
Oh wait. That's creepy.
I don't even know what's a birthday when I was 0 year old, should be less than 21 cards.
Mummy loves my card! :D
Daddy pulling his neck skin coz he has no beard :"Hmmm, I don't know how to read english."
My brother :" Hmmm, Hmmm Hmmm" Ok I dunno what he's thinking.
Oh Crap, the picture above caption wrong already, not on the way to Shabu Shabu, it's on the way to Nur Wanita Restaurant! :D
I love enjoying the artistic craftwork of this masterpiece on the wall, so goldish :D
Nur Wanita's dishes are quite cheap, their serving portion is not too big not too small. Most importantly, they taste sugoii!
Nur Wanita's Chef singing happy birthday to my mom :D He's the chef I think, judging from the long white cap, I think he is.
Oh wait. It's a short white cap, I think it's chef's assistant then.
I hope you're having a good time mummy! :D
6) Hangout at TeaBox Cafe, The Mall.
It's their COLOURFUL menu board that attracts me :)
Me and Clifford at TeaBox Cafe, I love my white headband :D
I love drinking Milk Tea, but beware my friend BEWARE, for overdose of consuming milk tea will make you look like a ... a .... I dunno, but it's not good to drink always, especially girl, female and woman.
Random me :D I love to take picture of my side view, and only the RIGHT side of view haha!
Received a lovely gift from my second elder sister from Sibu. I love the teddy on the chair, it's a necklace actually. I love wearing a teddy sitting on a chair on my neck :D
7) Had a sugoii meal at Empire Restaurant
Orange juice, which I thought it would be a fresh blended one :/
Haha! Love the toast jam! Red Cheese paste, Yellow Butter, Green Kaya X)
A traffic 'Jam'!
Appetizer, I still have no idea what it is :/
Description: It's a little bit cold, fluffy, a little bit smell of Chicken, some tuna...
I'm not pro enough to judge this hoho.
My order :D Most of the time for meat I eat fish, but this time I eat boboke. Not bad, dumplings are nice too, orange colour filling, taste a bit like pumpkin X)
Who say high class restaurant cannot has pizza?!
This dish looks a lot 'full' than mine one, because of the flat noodle beside, the eater can't finish it.
Salmon with lots of Onions! Overdose Onions! Hesitate not, the bunch of orange thingy beside the salmon are all onion cubes lolz.
Nothing is perfect, beside from the good food, good drinks and good moment, Vicky do have not good thing like others too.
For example, a sad face.
A moody study face.
Oh well, nothing last forever, so does Sad thing! Exam was over few days ago, so let's just forget about the moooooody study and sad epic face of mine XD
With easyway, nothing is impossible cause there's an easy way to get through anything!
9) Had Breakfast POTLUCK in the Office :D
My first breakfast in office :)
Pretty Angel and Handsome Raymond :D
Nor my friendly and kind colleague :)
10) Hang out with my bestie Jucy!
It has been months since we last met, miss her so much!
We met up the day before my birthday at The Mall, have a light refreshment at Coffee Bean, The Mall.
My order of Apple Crumble, love the crunch yummy!
Jucy's Cheese Brownies! Love the nuts on the top :P
After Coffee Bean, we went to watch Puss in Boots 2 movie, so funny that I laugh like Spongebob haha! We had a great time. Looking forward for another 'bestie sister' to come back from Kuching, and the moment would be perfect!
On my Birthday 29th November 2011...
I took picture with a cake but I didn't eat it for 'some' reason.
I received a Key Gift from my mother, they say when one turns 21 years old, you will receive a key, meaning to say, you are now free from cage like a bird. LOL! No la, it means you can make your own decision of what's better for you. Something like that.![](
And a surprise gift from my bestie Crystal from Kuching! Didn't expect that :')
It's a key too X)
A lovely gift from dear Clifford too :)
Just wondering when should I wear this o.O
Just a small return as thank you :)
Birthday Dinner at Li Gong, Empire.
Making wish for my birthday! :D I wish I can have more wishes! No la, not that 'tam jiak'.
3 wishes I've made always the same except for no.3:
1. Peaceful world
2. Health to those I care and love
And I blewwwwwwwwww off the candle light, may my wish come true!
I had a great 21st birthday :) Thanks for those who sent greetings to me through 10% text message, 3%calling, 0% mailing, 2% emailing, 85% from facebook.
Oh my! I'm still of the same height like my mom's. Can't I get any taller when I'm 21 years old?
:( Forever 162cm T.T Stop ever since F5 (2007).
11) I eat fried chicken once in a BLUE MOON!
It's rare to see me in fast food restaurant, believe me not, for almost 9 to 10 years I haven't eat KFC's fried chicken until now, I have one pita chicken at Jolibee, Hua Ho Bunut X) Taste good anyway!
Spongebob softtoy from Jucy! Spongebob is watching me blogging now :P
Didn't know about this cafe until someone introduce me haha, so I think I might give it a try here. The environment is superb! Love the decoration, aroma and so on.
Pumpkin soup :P Love it totally!
Angel's Hair Mushroom Cabonara! Seriously, the noodle tastes like angel's hair :) So nice, intensive mushroom, the moment u put the mushroom in your mouth, give it a little bite, the mushroom juice came out, mix into the milky carbonara noodle, sugoiii-lyy PERFECTO!
Nasi Lemak of Bello. Looks like an ordinary hawker store version, but the taste is superb! The chicken, according to Clifford, is delicious and juicy. The egg is very special too, looks like uncooked yet, but it's a total liquid cooked! I ate the egg yolk buahahaha.
Strawberry smoothies is superb too! Although I'm full from the pasta dish, I still manage to finish this glass of smoothies, it doesn't give u a taste of solid feel at all, just take a slurp in the refreshing smooth ice shave, the next thing you wanna do is to SWALLOW IT! I finish it in 2 mins XD
Bello Cafe gave me a good impression so far :) Gonna come again for a friend recommended dish, something name "Melts in your mouth" :D
I've stop blogging for almost a year, and suddenly when I start blog, it's a 9 hours blog, my back, my hand, my eye, my hair, my finger, my leg, my nose hurts in pain. I hope all these are worth.
Please Welcome me back :')