Entering to the month of August, I have was again realised that it was alomost the end of month!! My goodness~ Vicky Mon Mon Cha Cha passed the time by 7 months already, I don't even know What Have I done this year~
Well, while walking through the way of my Life this year, I've met a lot of stops which makes me stopped on the way, met a lot of distractions, I can say the life here was of definitely DIFFERENT from Before~ Which makes me quite regret of what decision I have made, why?? Now in my mind, in my eye, in my heart, in my voice, there will always be a "Sign~" WHICH COMES OUT WITH A "LIFE IS SO MISERABLE", what had forced me to this situation?
Where is the key?? The key for me to open my door??
These "things" could drive me out to craziness, and it will be sooner or later, Oh GOD, please help me to lead me out of these places. What I thought of before was not of what it actually is now. I just want to be myself, I just want to be the way it used to be, I just want to be of what it should be~
Everything will be alright after "that", yea^^ And at that time, I can achieved my current dream, really hope for that day to come, GOD~ Please send me a miracle, a miracle that can skip the time, its impossible but for impossible to happen, miracle exist! Gush~ What am I talking about?? Vicky kinda sot sot de this few days, sorry for the annoying weird words came out from her~ FORCED!!!
Luckily, when the moment I almost reached to the end of the corner, someone pulled me back, my new friends in church^^ They are so friendly kind and helpful, from them, I can see the work of holy spirit on them... Thanks to them^^ Beside from GOD, no one would understand the deepest part of my feeling except them.
Friends and Family really important for us, sometime people say friends not really that important, but I don't think so. This is because of my personal experience, whenever I have problems, friend is the first one to come upon me, this is real, they caught my eye and could tell that I was in problems. Thank GOD for these friends^^
Nothing much more to say, felt better a bit after shouted out my inner voice, BUT not innermost yet^^" Haha, Got to go sleep now^^, Goody Nighty~