I got attracted to one book in the language catergories, which is called "Japanese For Everyone" , Gush~ I straight away sit down on the floor and look at the book, too bad it was wrapped in plasticT.T The next I know was stood queing up at the counter with that book, wahaha~ ^^
I bought this book a few months ago and have learnt a few words tho even though it was a long time ago, but due to the busy times I had, I can't really spend much time on reading them... Teach you guys a little^^:::::
How are you? Ogenki desu ka?
Fine, thank you. Hai, genki desu, domo arigato.
What about you? Anatawa do desu ka?
What is the matter (with you)? Do shimashita ka?
It is wrong. Chigaimasu.
Who is it? Dare desu?
Are you married? Anata wa kekon shimashita ka?
Yes, I'm married. Hai, kekon shimashita.
No, I'm single. Iie, dokushin desu.
Are you engaged? Konyaku shimashita ka?
This is my husband. Kochira wa watashi no shujin desu.
I'm sorry. Gomenasai.
It's hot today. Kyo wa atsui desu.
See you again, tommorow. Mata ashita!!
My classmate who had attend to the Prom night text to me that no one inviting her to the dance, then I said maybe the boys themselves do not know how to dance actually! Then I asked about the food there, she said they are very delicious! T.T Hope I can be the Cinderella, suddenly popped out the fairy and turned me into a very beautiful dressed girl with Hush Puppies branded glass shoe. Then she will turn my colleagues to the pumpkin and the rider, turn hush puppies dogs into horses. The fairy told me must be back before the long needle strikes 12am sharp.... Gush~ Think too much T.T"
Today is quite a tired day for me tho, early in the morning woke up and prepare to go for the graduation ceremony of our senior, after that, straightly I went to work until 10pm. In between I ate CREPE KOSONG (as no more peanut butter). OHYA! Talking about crepe, it reminds me that yesterday I got EXTRA PEANUT BUTTER CREPE from Kokoberry^^ So so so happy, because they said that that would be the last peanut butter crepe, and that tomorrow peanut butter will be out of stock! How lucky am I eh? Thank God for being so nice to me^^
Well, tomorrow have to wake up early in the morning 6am which is earlier than today for church. Then after church, work~ Although tired for me, but that's what I really want and need, to train myself and strength of how to control my Life~ That's me ~ VICKY
In the afternoon, I got home and decided to have a rest, closing my eyes, whoa~ Relief~ Put everything Aside~ Go to sleep~ SLEEP~~ ZzZzZz~~~~~~~~ RING!! RING~!! Huh?? What happen? What? Where? Who? When? Why?? My Phone lar~=.= I was called to reach my workplace to work for suddenly arrival of NEW SUMMER COLLECTIONs of HUSH PUPPIES~ As I said, 34boxes of them have to be settled~
Unstoppable work until 9.45pm, My hungry stomach started to cry for food~ My poor stomach T.T Then my brother in law asked me to buy him a CREPE with hazelnut Chocolate for him, the who knows he also asked me to buy one for myself! Oh my goodness, all the enzyme in my stomach started to activate when I heard the word CREPE, My almost dead brain started to re-function also! Actually on the real life I keep rejecting, but tell you guys secretly, my heart wanted it so much!! At last, I accepted after rejecting for a one or two seconds^^, wahaha~ PEANUT BUTTER CREPE, I'm coming (Running with so many hope and slowly to the Shop) *.* I have a very very comfortable and specialised space for you in my stomach!
After work, me and my colleagues went to nearby restaurants to have some tea drinks, also celebrating for Lala (My x-colleague) further study in Labuan~ So sad but felt happy for her tho^^ We all ate "shui guo bing" at there, in English it was called Fruit Ice, like ABC with fruits^^ Nice~! I'm the fastest drinker of all, Please call me SPEED DRINKER~ MUAHAHAHA...HAHAHA...HAHAHAHA~~~~HAR~~~~~ (Yawning) ~.~ Sleepy now, guess it will be the same by tomorrow, sleepy day, but have the first time study group with my classmate in the afternoon!
So, I decided not to stay in that filled woth sleeping gas library, I went outside for a air refreshment. I sat outside the cafeteria, warm air blew across my sleepy face, MORE SLEEPY~ So, no choice, I stood outside my classroom corridor waiting for the the senior class end, at there, I slept on the corridor handle ZzZzZZz....
See how terrible am I?? Walk till where can sleep till where, Hai~ Cannot blame my computer also, is me the one who wanna stay till so late with my lappy~ Well, got to go now, BAck to WORK!!
Ohya, I'll upload some photo of me and my colleague soon!!
GUYS~!! I got my FOURTH CREPE for today! Same place same time same shop same seller same buyer, same conversation, same money, same PEANUT BUTTER CREPE! Oh my goodness, I can't believe it, I began to feel the FATE between us, really, I can Feel It dude~ CAN YOU?? Tomorrow I think I can have one more^^ Sense~
I think I've not touched any RICE for at least 2 months already, morning egg, afternoon crepe, night grandma's cook without rice. Success! Can't you all see that? Without rice we actually also can be alive, so no matter how high the price of rice has risen up, it still doesn't bother me AT ALL! So who gonna gather around with me to form a group called "RICELESS GENERATION"?? Go Go Riceless Go Go Riceless!
Life is really complicated for me, there have been a lot of things (sorry but I can't specify out them openly) frustrating along with me. I know these are all God's plan and I have no way to resist them. All I have to do is to accept them and challenge them one by one, but God said unto me that don't be felt like helpless, Jesus always by your side waiting you to raise your hand and search for His help. I am raising up my hand now and the next thing I can do is to wait for Jesus help, I really do hope I can get His help as soon as possible...
But all I need to do is do what I can do know, precious of what you have now, it is better than You have nothing at all right? Be happy Vicky! Vicky be happy! Be Vicky happy! Happy be Vicky! =.=~ Sorry, suddenly wrong connection of my brain nerves...
Well, got to go now, quite tired this few days~ Feeling frustrated?? Think of You having a Peanut Butter Crepe Tomorrow then^^ And your life for the day will be brighten up!! This is the way I brighten up my day, easy for me^^ So, can you brighten up your moody day yourself too?
BUT I'm still boomed^^, Finally can have my bite on my beloved Peanut Butter Crepe^^ Wahaha, and for this crepe I have sacrified my lunch stomach for it~.~ So, it must be worth for me^^
Well, tomorrow I'll have my test T2, JIA YOU JIA YOU o... VICKY~^^ NO oNE JIA YOU me, I JIA YOU myself lo... haha
Maybe will come back later, now have to go for my study le, TATA~
Finally PEANUT BUTTER CREPE is available for now, I've been waiting for it like centuries, felt sorry for kept complaining about their unavailable stocks, SORRY~ KOKOBERRY^^" I'll be more careful next time, but I still love your CREPES, thanks for rent your shop at Delta Mall, so that I can eat crepe everytime I came to Delta Mall in the afternoon as My lunch! With you, i can be more concentrate on my studies, With you, I can be happy all the time!
Ohya, talking about happy, it reminds me of the chatbox back again, GUYS, please look at my chatbox, a girl or a boy named WEN, he or she said that the way I do my blog is not the way the blog actually look like, and I was boasting and show off about my life, WHERE???? I'm so upset about what he or she said, eventhough he or she maybe just fooling around me, but I still care about those words. But actually I need to know also that is the way I post my blogs Correct?? BLOG is talking about an individual life or diary right? Or share interesting things to others right? I did it, but where?? Where should I need to correct in order to become a good blogger?
GUSH~ Please do give me some comments on this, Write something meaningful to me~
Well, I misunderstood the "KEPO" one in the chatbox^^" He was trying to scold the WEN but instead I thought he was scolding me^^" How naive am I eh? Haha, I drank Carrot milk in a restaurant.. nice~ Got to go study now!
Anyway, this few days busy with my studies because mid term is coming soon, feeling quite stressed. Plus what I saw in the chatbox, comments from WEN, his/her comments hurt my heart tho. T.T I hope I can improve my blog lo, so don't blame me if my blog is not that attractive ok...?
If my blog really doesn't suit your interest, instead of boasting and hurting people's heart, you can leave my blog site and go see other MORE interesting blogs. But still, I will keep on improving^^ I'm still counted as a beginner, so don't expect too much from me...
Well, think I got to go now, STUDY TIME~
My eldest sister came to Sibu today. She came for her exam on insurance~ This is the way to take extra earning besides from the main business^^ This insurance work service is very flexible one, you can talk to anyone at anytime about insurance and introduce them into your insurance company, and the next thing you know is waiting for your commission! Just that easy, Study, Test, then EARN!
Well, I started to hate Saturday and Sunday, but I'm not hating CHURCH alrite... What I really trying to mean is that I have nothing to do on these two days! GUSH~ I think I got misunderstood on my working schedule, I work only when they need me, but mostly will be at home I think, my thinking was naive before^^" OPSS~
Well, think I got to go now, my stomach is gonna burst because too full le~ Go for some walk around my house for digestion, outside too sunny le. See YA!!
Well, today I've just finished my T2 test, 6 questions 100marks @.@ Think of how many lines I have to write for just a question -.-" But the questions doesn't really kill me tho^^~ I was still alive at the end after the long suffering struggles...
Later I'm going to church with my friend for fellowship gathering, from there I've learnt quite alot about God and of course knew some Friends too! Oh ya, talking about fellowship, this morning our school which is a Methodist school held a fellowship gathering in the hall also (every Friday we used to have this kind of activity). They invited a Sibu travelling singer with his guitar, named Chi De Cheng (if I'm not spelling wrong, but it is pronounced like that). Guess what? He used to be the one of the competitor with Lin Yu Zhong, Ah Niu, Zhang Zhi Cheng who were now a big Singers in Taiwan. But unluckily he was not chosen, but why?! His voice was so incredible you know? He really really ready to be a Super star SINGER le ~ Why the examiner did not choose him? It was a really really wrong decision for not choosing him~
Now, he had his own new life again with his current girlfriend too^^ And has a good relationship with his family~ SEE?? EVERYONE SEE IT?? Of how God has changed a Person life? Of what kind of miracle the God had applied to a person? From a life full of Sin, depression, gambling, drinking, wasting money to a life full of holiness, hapiness, glorious coming from the voice of his sings... Well, that is our GOD~
NA NANA NA NA~ I just back from the MOVIE "Kung Fu Panda"~ Can't wait to Share with you guys ^^!! THE PAnda is really absolutely FunnY~ Haha, which Makes me think of KENNY SIA~ =.=" I laughed until I hit the front seat guy's shoulder you know?? SO EMBRASSING~! But luckily he also LAUGHING, doesn't really realized it^^
GUSH~ I hope I can buy CD of it and watch it again~ SO LIKE IT! STUPID LOOKING BUT FUNNY ACT PANDA^^ I like his pant... HOPE I can have one of is also^^
Well, after having a Short term FUN, THE LONG TERM stress CONTInues... got to go study for now~ Tomorrow have to wake up same time 6.45am T.T... You Can Do it DE Vicky~
OHYA~ Forget to tell you guys my next targeted MOVie::: The Incredible HULK and MADASGASCAR Part 2!!
My sisters will bring me to The CinEma by tonight, I've been waiting for this moment for ages! Tears of happiness T.T All of my friends who had watched the movie in Brunei said it was very funny and nice, I can't wait for my turn^^
Well, recently I missed my friends alot in Brunei, especially those who always hang out with me. See how lonely am I?? Even took a bear to be my partner of life already. Actually the bear was gifted by someone who used to be important to me but seemed like everything was a memory for now tho...
YEA, I know what you're thinking... WHAT's WITH THOSE FUNNY HAT?? AND YEA, I'm Telling You That We're The Funny Hat Gangster Dude~
*The Green hat with a Smug Smile is Chuan Ho, He likes to smile that way, a smug smile^^ That is his nature of BEAUTY~
*Next to Chu
*Next to me is Yeet Yang, We used to call him Fishy (I think its his nickname). He closed his eye when the time the shoot is taken. But if outsider look at this picture, it was like he was thinking:"GUSH~ NICE, I like this Hat
*Then now is ME, Neh~the ROUND FACED one.. YOU see it? Still Cannot?? Don't Try to comfort me, I'm the most rounded face among the Gang and you still can't see it? Well, I'm trying not to think about my face anymore, LET IT BE~ LET IT BE~ T.T
Next! Is my Cute Pal CRYSTAL!! Aren't She cute?? The Hat was previously worn by Chuan Ho~ Her Size is really Small eventhough she younger than me for just 4 months! Long time didn't see her already, so missed her T.T
But I saw her pictures recently at my x-class blog, wearing tudung because she studied in MD, Maktab Duli, government school. STILL CUTE!! Haha^^
I always laugh when I see this picture, haha! Especially when looking at Fishy's pose, it was like a chinese traditional dance with the finger posed like that. Coolz, even our 什么都不怕的Yii Sian (Pink shirt) also got SCARED!
Said:"My goodness! Don't get close to me dude~!"
Fishy replied:" Oh come on~ Just a minute of dance with me alright? Heh Heh~"
We took this picture at THE MALL in Brunei, the one with Long hair beside Panda is called Nyssa and beside her is Nicole, her sister who taught us Salsa Dance before. The one with spectacle beside Wayne the Ah Ma is Seng Wei, He now studying in Miri, Miss him Also..T.T
Oh yea, also share with you all about my picture in Hush Puppies where I work during weekends.
Haha, The Three HEADED PUPPIES! See the 3 dogs underneath our HEads? Thats the Hush Puppies I'm talking About all this Long!
Look at our face color, My one is chocolate, the middle one (Ah Yong) is apple, the other side (Lala) is Like Snow white~ Hai, pity me... PITY ME~
Guess What?! It can SLIM DOWN My Eternity Chubby Face also!! COOLZ! Tears of Joy :')
Although the satifactory is just for temporary but at least I can finally see the slim face ME^.^
OH MY GOODNESS!! WHEN SEE MY SLIM FACE^^ one word... 爽! But My nose still big -.-
It has been a long time since I upload my photos, so sorry for that^^"
Oh~ Unbelievable! Nice!!
Bah I eat all, Sorry sister, You've to order one more plate for urself^^"
My second sister and I at Premium Hotel, Do we look ALIKE? Sorry if the photo is too small^^" Perhaps another picture of us? Look below-
One black One white =.=
Then.... My handsome brother Eric with his strawberry milkshake
Then.... My eldest sister Wendy with her beloved cheese cake
-Wou... Finally finished uploading, actually there are more pictures but I think maybe next time^^-
My second elder sister had her ACCA examination today, she had been studied with me in the living room all this long afternoons. In the afternoon 3pm, she started her examination in Pilley Institution (my present School) and ended at 6.15pm, although the time range (3hr 15minutes) seems long enough for the theory exam but if you think like that, you’re wrong, Totally wrong~ My sister said that for a single one question, you must AT LEAST write for one page, at least! This is not easy man, even though you have studied the whole book, or even memorized every single word in the sentence, the main matter is How you gonna apply the answer into the booklet question. The question will not gonna ask you: “What is an apple?” but “How do you eat an apple?” My first 2 papers T1 and T2 of CAT is computer based which meant I’ll take my exam on the computer, Multiple choice questions. So, for the moment I still can handle it^^”
Tomorrow I’m gonna start my school, extremely happy!^^ Finally can escape from this terrible holiday T.T But I can’t online to blog for that often anymore I think.
This morning after I went to church, straightly I went to Hush Puppies at around 9.50am. I had emptied my stomach for the WHOLE MORNING just because I wanna refill it with my favourite Peanut Butter Crepe from Kokoberry^^ And guess what? Crepe OUT OF STOCK! And its only 12pm, NO MORE STOCK?? So sad~ At the end, I bought Sotong Balls from the shop just in front of us which cost RM2.50 only for 3 biji T.T, not really satisfy my stomach but at least I refilled it^^
Today is Dumpling Festival which I only knew that Dumpling festival is the English translation for 端午节, dumpling dumpling. Vicky sings again:"Humdy dumpling sat on the wall, Humdy dumpling had a great fall, all the king horses and all the king men, couldn't put dumpling together again!" A greeting song for Dumpling festival from Vicky... I ate dumpling with red bean flavoured given by the neighbour (the mother next door always give us things to eat one, I missed her "Mua Ji" so much!), the taste was unable to use human language to explain, my only response to it was "Eye Big Big". But other than that, I love peanut flavoured dumpling but dislike "Ba Zhang" (Dumpling with PORK) very much! I rather empty my stomach for the whole day than eating that "Ba Zhang".
Today during working got 2 specialised Families spotted by me:
From the "rich" word, you can know their background already, that is they are from rich family. One daddy and mummy, 2 sons who look like the royal family stepped into our HUSH PUPPIES shop. Gush~ they're not concerning about the price of the clothes they've chosen:" What size? I want this." "That one I want pink color one" "Son, that (cheaper) one looks normal and simple, take this (much more expensive)." Wou~ they really enjoyed the shopping in our shop. At the end on the counter was a building of clothes! And they went back with our biggest paper bags~ - THE HINDI FAMILY:::::
From the "Hindi" word, you can know their background already, that is they are from India, which we normally call "India-Malaysian". 2 brothers with each of their own family came in. One of the brother wore a totally "attractive" green colored clothe who is wearing around 10 accessories on just one side of his hand, shinny~ The other brother quite normal, but the only thing that interrupted my mind was that why is he wearing SUNGLASSES while shopping inside the building, he reminds me of the famous actor of India.
Something bothered me very much was the way they talk and their body language. Everyone know that when Indian people talking they will shake their head. One of the brother came out of the fitting room and passed me the clothe and he shake his head saying:"OK" I got confused! Shaking head means "NO" but he said "OK". So what happen was that I asked him again whether he want to purchase the cloth or not. He shook his head again, and this time the angle of turning the head is larger, and he said "OK", which caused me to shake my head back to give him response, haha. After they purchased their clothes, on the way they walked out of the shop, they shook their head again while talking to their wife:"A~bune~nan~Curogo~A~bune~indedai~" Something like that =.=
Today only worked for half day until 5pm, so I went home and ate the dumpling that "the mother next door" (not "the kids next door" o...) gave to us, I was like lifted to the heaven when the first bite achieved, NICEY~
GUYS!! Got new recipe for you all~~
Ingredients: 110g butter, 150g cake flour, 3g baking powder, 100g black sugar, 75g egg, 55cc milk, 10cc brandy, dried fruits and a pinch of salt
How To Prepare:
- Leave butter at room temperature until creamy.
- Mix cake flour, baking powder, and salt and sift twice.
- Add black sugar two times to creamy butter while mixing.
- Break an egg in advance and keep it at room temperature. Put into the butter mixture and whip evenly.
- Pour 1/2 cup of milk into the butter mixture and combine with the sifted ones. Pour the remaining milk and mix them well all together.
- Put thinly minced dried fruits and brandy to the dough and mix well.
- Spread a parchment paper on a muffin mold.
Place about 70% of the dough on the paper. - Bake the dough in the already heated oven at 180 degree Celsius for 25 minutes. Cool muffins for some time before eat.
** Black sugar is rich in minerals and vitamins. It also contains glycolic acid that is good for exfoliating the skin. It has powerful lightening and hydrating effects on the skin. Moreover, it helps to tighten and clarity the skin!**
Some people look at things as they are and say, "Why?" I look at things as they can be and say,"Why not?"
To tell the truth, I am trying to face a different challenging situation, like half work half study, although its normal for other countries, but for me who is still a beginner would be quite a challenging aspect. So I rather standup and do something meaningful than doing nothing. For example:
- I'm not gonna sit there and wait for my parent to feed me, so work!
- I'm not gonna let my parent worked so hard just because have to pay for my fees, so work!
- I'm not gonna feel desperate by the increasing price in many things, including the foods I like, so work!
- I wished to buy things for my family and friends by the money I earned by my own rather than using the pocket money you've got from your parent and buy things for them again, it was like they buying for themsleves you know? So work!
- Getting more experiences in the society activities are part of my aims to achieve my future career, so work!
There are many things more I can list down, I scared that you guys will getting more boring and resulted in having no more interest on my blog, so I stopped^^ But I really want you all to understand what am I trying to do on behalf of these things I've done in my Life. Trying to be more different than any other people in the way they live their Life...
Recently I noticed a blog from kennysia, his blog posts were amazing and interesting, maybe its because the content was full of funny descriptions. I remembered he advertised about the potato chips, I laughed out my tears you know, so funny. You guys won't regret of viewing his blog: http://www.kennysia.com/, trust me, gonna be worth of it. Just an ordinary malaysian can got so famous just because his blog!
I have also decided to create a box link of my favourite recipes, but I don't even know how to create it, someone else can help me? I know its about FOOD again, but I really love to share my favourite food and drinks with you all^^ Hope you guys will like it tho.
Maybe I should show one of my beloved recipe to you first^^:::::
EGG MERINGUE COOKIE::: At the turn of the year, share it with ur Beloved One
Ingredients: 80g sugar, 100g sugar powder, 200g almond powder, 80g cake flour, 5 egg whites, and some walnuts
How To Prepare:
1. Put sugar, sigted sugar powder, almond powder, and cake flour into a big bowl.
2. Make a big hole in the middle and put egg whites into the cavity.
3. Mix well with a frother.
4. Add thinly sliced walnut pieces and mix well.
Enjoy eating cookies is one of my entertainment^^ But the problem is the price of flour is rising, so do COOKIES! T.T Because of that, I have to decrease my purchase on cookies, so instead of buying cookies, I buy crackers=.= which are quite ok for me. The rice also increasing in price sooner, so my grandma bought 2 BAGS of rice for storage, don't be suprised to that because you know what? Most of the people bought 10 BAGS for future use. Gush~ our world had reached to a stage of this, how are we gonna surviveT.T?? I hope I can standup of the crowd and create a community named "Anti-Government". Then I will act like what the indonesia doing nowadays, they gathered to a big group and holding sign showing how strong they disagree with the rising in price of the oil. For me, I'll do that either^^ Nah~ I think too far away, that's impossible for me this little girl to campur tangan to this case. BUT! Who knows? Haha~ To save the petrol oil, people finding ways to have short cuts of the road, people who used car started to use motorbike, those who use motorbike started to use bicycle, and those who used bicycle start to walk, those who used to walk start to crawl, those who crawl started to lying down, those who lie down started to become ashes. Thus resulted in the vanishes of living thing on the earth, which we called "The End of the world"... NAH~ Just kidding, Don't get serious with that^^
Anyway, I've almost finished my study for T2 book, one more chapter to go^^ Really hope this would help me alot as it may be more understandable while my lecture teach. Thanks for the encouragements I got from my friends, they helped me alot too!^^ Well got to go now, tomorrow 10am have to go to Hush Puppies working, I work as a Part time! ^^
There is no wrong side of the bed. We get up on the wrong side of our mind.
# Relax la~
# Stop wondering of what to wear for the day
# No Need to set alarm 6.45am
# No need to look at the time during night for making sure the bed time^^
# Can go Miri to visit my PARENTS!! So extremely happy about that~
# Can find part time job to earn some pocket money
Secondly, the Disadvantages:::::::
# Still have to look at the book for revising
# Cannot see my beloved friends anymore until the school re open
# No more^^
Haha, seemed like nothing much to say for the disadvantages, if any of you guys have more advantages or disadvantages, do please make sure have to share with me ya^^ Although it is a holiday time, I still can't feel the relaxing way, like my whole body still holding a huge rock of burden, whoever can help me carry the rock T.T?? Siapa??~~ Wuwu>> I have to look at the books for whole afternoon and whole night, my butt sit until almost "ben jet" already, sometime cannot stand it, so just walk around my room read aloud the text in the book, a little abnormal for outsiders to see that^^"
In Brunei never get myself so serious into study before, even though my parents were around. But in Sibu, I got myself motivated and it is OVER motivated in study until I don't even know I got myself SICK~ Funny thing is that everything on my left side of my face felt hurt, my left eye, my left ear, especially my left brain. But my whole head felt hot~ What kind of sick is that? My throat like kena mouse bite, so painful when eating or drinking. From that day onwards, I everyday drink green bean soup, and guess what? My throat healed!^^ And guess what too?? My face still hot and my LEFT brain still bombing Iraq. My whole body ached, my body posture worst than my grandma. What happen is that I got better after a few days^^ Incredible huh? Without any Panaldo, So People~ Please don't rely anything on Pills alright??
I've got to know more friends in Pilley, and that's a good news for me^^ Inside if the class, Outside of the class, inside out and outside in. Oh ya, last Thursday my T2 teacher got very sick, But still she came to class to teach, she was extremely forcing herself to teach you know? Even though she can't stand properly, she still forcing herself to stand still but one hand holding the table, the other hand writing words on the whiteboard. I felt so sad and touched T.T Then the next day (Friday) she took leave. Well, My T1 teacher said that T2 teacher had a fever so she can't come. So sad to see a Cute teacher who loves to eat sweet became sick~.~ Extra Info: Recently Vicky found out that she likes RABBIT SWEET very much, News ended-
Well well, For this 10 coming holidays, I don't know how I'm gonna precious them even though I know I can't get away from the books T.T
Tired~ Got to go packing my bag for tomorrow trip to Miri~ I'm coming Daddy and Mommy!! Please wait for me yea!! Muakz~
-Never accept the negative until you have thoroughly explored the positive-